Spoken Word Poetry

Friday, 7 May 2021

Farewell, Adieu for Now

The whole point of this site was to have less of me. It is a group site after all and even though I would like to think I am part of that group the group itself doesn't exist. "Something For The Weekend, Sir?"  is like putting an empty pot on the stove less the water. Nothing comes to the boil. 

The idea with this site was to create another discharge blog. Now that was all team with little me. In life, there are no individuals. We confuse individuality with character or personality. We are people who form a collective.  This fact is easily corroborated. Yes, there is the body that we inhabit. The brain that makes the whole thing work. The tastes that that particular vehicle has but all the same we humans remain part of something more than pure individuality. We are made, as all things in this universe are, of the building blocks of life.  Not one thing can be separated from that. Our personality traits only add to the whole.

So, the pot is empty. The heat is on. There is no steam evaporating as the pot has no water in it. All there is is me. Me and the Ornery Owl.

My idea was simple. I wrote it once. I sent it many times to many people. Sadly, only a few responded. Thinking about that fact, why should they? What I wrote, what I sent by E-mail was this...



I am seeking poets to join my spoken word poetry site.

The rules are few and easy.

1. First poet records his words via YouTube then posts them onto the site. He/she leaves it a week then invites another poet to do the same. In effect a spoken word relay that will encompass the globe. It doesn’t matter which language is used – all are welcome. The idea is to spread poetry in the spoken form.

2. All posts have to be on a Friday as the site is called "Something For the Weekend, Sir?"

That's it. Simple.

If interested contact me, Russell CJ Duffy, by e-mail – russellcjduffy@gmail.com

All the best,



Even with the support of The Poetry Society it was me who copied their work before putting it onto this site. Each and every Friday. I thoroughly enjoyed that practice as much as I thoroughly love poetry. Still, "Something For the Weekend, Sir?" is a collective not a one band busker nicking other peoples work from YouTube.

I am not defeated, depressed, disengaged or defiant. What I am is appreciative that my idea is not shared. This site remains open. Who knows, one day, someday, some poet may arrive to relight the stove, pour fresh water into the pot bringing the whole thing to the boil. For now, though, I am shuffling away. 

All poems are copyright of the poet. Permission for this poet to post their work here has been granted by blog owner. All rights remain with the individual poet and their respective publisher.

Tao - Be Like Water

All poems are copyright of the poet. Permission for this poet to post their work here has been granted by blog owner. All rights remain with the individual poet and their respective publisher.