Spoken Word Poetry

Monday, 29 September 2008

The Monkees

It was nineteen sixty six, I was twelve and each and every Saturday I would sit glued to my TV watching this bunch of lunatics. Often described as the 'bogus' Beatles; they were anything but. Influenced by them obviously but as different to the Fabs as The Beatles were to The Crickets. Funny, funky and great entertainment. Even the Pistols liked them, covering the B side of 'I/m a Believer', 'Not Your Stepping Stone'.

Frank Zappa was another fan and appeared on the show as Mike Nesmith whilst Nesmith pretended to be Zappa.

Oh what fun we had. 'I'm a Believer' is still one of my favourite singles.


Roger Stevens said...

My band cover I'm a believer. Not sure if that's cool or cheesy. We haven't actually performed it yet so I guess time will tell.

I'm in this blog, actually, but haven't thought of anything to post yet.

Maybe my love affair with The Lone Ranger. Also Saturday tea-times. Hi Ho Silver... Awayyyyyyyyyyy.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

The Lone Ranger would be an excellent choice as would your take on Captain Beefheart. Maybe the poets that have made you wot u R?

Russell CJ Duffy said...

PS. I would suggest that it is both cool and cheesy as it has been covered by both Robert Wyatt and Vic Reeves!

Wastedpapiers said...

Am I on this blog too? My name seems to be on it. As for the Monkees- I did watch them I must admit but didnt really like all that canned laughter they added. Some of the songs were pretty good.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

Michael>>>I sent you an invite as Roger threatened to knee cap me if I didn't but prematurely ( a constant problem of mine!) I stuck your name up here as one of us. I mean, you may be one of them but fingers crossed you will accept!!!

I am not Kek-w said...

HEAD is one of the greatest psychedlic films ever made. No contest.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

Kek>>>Never saw HEAD. Would love to though. Must look out for it as I am sure it is still available. I remember sitting in my cousin Jennifer's bed/sitting room along with Jen and her poor boy friend, who was probably keen to have some nookie, watching The Magical Mystery Tour. Another film I would like to investigate again. That film was the first time I saw the Viv Stanshall and the Bonzo's and of course had Ivor Cutler who played the bhapless Buster Bloodvessel. Must get HEAD though.

Wastedpapiers said...

A can run you off a copy of HEAD if you like C.J. I have it on video and can copy it to DVD.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

Michael>>>I already owe you one for the great music you sent me 'all those years ago' but if you could I would be very grateful. Then I can trap my children in the lounge and force them to watch it with me!

Wastedpapiers said...

Remind me again of your address CJ and i will gladly send it along.

Russell CJ Duffy said...
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