Spoken Word Poetry

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Ask Jinksy About This!

"Overtone" singing!   It's just . . . . it's just
Jinksy has met this artist, Christian Bollmann, and heard his astonishing talent. The "high notes" are produced by resonances in the mouth cavity. Only the continuous bass note is "sung", in the conventinal sense, in the voice box. Jinks is hiding a lotta lights under her bushel, so she is!

Many other examples on YouTube, along with Mongolian throat singing. You'll need Jinksy to explain the differences. Christian Bollmann struck me as far and away the best of the YouTube selection of "overtone" singers.


Jinksy said...

It is exactly the same a Mongolian Throat Singing, but Christian Bollman has perfected the technique, and turned it into an art form like no one else.
And I'm sure, health and safety officers would be knocking on my door if I had lights hidden under a bushel...I deny any knowledge of such things...

Doctor FTSE said...

Jinks . . lights under your bushel are O.K. But don't - DO NOT - hide your lights under your bustle. That'll have the fire-crew out as well as the Health and Safety Nazis. Or are you just after having a blazing row?

Nessa said...

That was very fascinating and quite pretty.

I think I opened a new chakra.

The Simple Things Challenge

Russell CJ Duffy said...

My mother used to say I was hiding my light under a bushel; now I know where to look...Jinksy!

Russell CJ Duffy said...

The chap is quite extraordinary.

Jinksy said...

CJ Duffy - you go get your own bushel - mine is already overcrowded.

Doctor FTSE said...

CJ, Jinksy . . are you two sure you know what a bushel is? Famous in story and song . . Pet Clark? Doris Day? Rosemary Clooney? (Pretty sure it wasn't the incomparable Miss Peggy Lee, Phwooaar)

"I love you a bushel and a peck -
A bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck
A hug around the neck and a barrel and a heap,
A barrel and a heap and I'm talkin' in my sleep About you!"

CJ - if you choose top disassociate yourself from those sentiments, I quite understand . . .

Psst! Aren't we supposed to be talkin' about Herr Bollmann?

Russell CJ Duffy said...
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