Spoken Word Poetry

Monday, 8 February 2010

John Inman

Back to the serious stuff now and your token gay for today - John Inman - him off "Are You Being Served" and a song from an LP found at a boot sale or somewhere.

"Tandem Song" from "John Inman - With A Bit Of Brass" . Found vinyl on the Webb Ivory label 1978. Here John Inman is accompanied by the Webb Ivory Newall Band and the West Midlands Police Male Voice Choir. So there.


Russell CJ Duffy said...

A fine figure of a man too.

"I'm free!"

And he was.

Nessa said...

I didn't know he could sing. Is he really gay? Who knew? ; )


Wastedpapiers said...

All those years of doing pantos really paid off!

Jinksy said...

That was exceedingly clever, and more to the point, my computer actually let me listen to all of it, as intended. So many other musical, blog inserts end up with kangeroo juice hiccups.
Ta muchly, I loved it. :)

Wastedpapiers said...

Well I suppose it's better than warthog jelly jitters!

Bernard said...

I enjoyed this too. I like anything Old Time Musical Hall.
The only little criticism I would make, is that the backing was a wee bit too loud. It made it difficult to hear the words.....which was the whole point of making the record.
After all it's not meant to be dance music.