Spoken Word Poetry

Saturday, 26 June 2010

Life's Just Not Fair . . .

Paddy and a Polish immigrant were short listed for a job with a Dublin construction firm.  The manager could not separate them on the strength of their CV's, so he asked them to take a written test.  They agreed.
The test consisted of 20 questions, and both had 19 questions correct.  The manager asked to see Paddy in his office and said that, sadly, he had decided to give the job to the Pole.  
Paddy remonstrated' "BeJasus, boss!  How can ye give the job to a foreigner on the strength of both of us giving one incorrect answer"
"Well you see, son," said the manager, "It was question 7.  The Polish candidate wrote 'I do not know the answer to this question'."
"And . .  " said Paddy.
"And you wrote 'Neither do I'."


Kath said...

Poor old Paddy. My Irish husband takes a strange pleasure in "Paddy" type jokes, he will like this one!

Russell CJ Duffy said...

Welcome back Doc. Good to see you here again. Sorry to all for my absence from blogging of late but work and holidays have got in the way.