Spoken Word Poetry

Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Something From The Weekend, Sir? has a facelift

From a cupboard filled with aged items and antique writers, Something For the Weekend, Sir? has evolved, changed, moved on, mutated and done lots of wiggly stuff and come out sort of different. Now we feature the spoken word in our weekly posts. 

Poets of all shapes, shades, sizes and persuasions will feature here, poets from all around the world reading either their own work or that of some favourite poet or indeed poem. 

An ever changing cast of poets reading stuff that blew their mind which will hopefully do the same for you.

Occasional bits of tat will still be seen but enough of Michael.

Poetry was always meant to be heard and here it shall be.

Something For the Weekend, Sir? 

You bet.

Happy new year to all our readers. we hope 2014 will be good for you and for us.


cheesemeister said...

We from the UNDEAD team look forward to another year.

Wastedpapiers said...

I resemble that remark!