Spoken Word Poetry

Friday, 12 December 2014

Mistaking of Silence by Doriandra Smith

Doriandra Smith is an artist, poet, musician . She writes some incredible prose and was once a member of Avant Garde band EXP. She creates some simply amazing garments and makes some beautiful music along with Eriijk Rêssler in a band they call Balkh. 


Starmandala said...

Beautiful - fingers match the voice!

Russell CJ Duffy said...

She is indeed and yes, those fingers. She must play the old Joanna!

Russell CJ Duffy said...

For me it is the combined magic of three things...the voice leisurely discovering what the written word really is saying, the fingers, so elegant and bird like, describing events in Ariel sculpture and the way the camera looms in to the photo/image on Dee Dee's lap.

Aaron Held said...

Your comment summed it up perfectly Russell, so Wicked.., thanks for sharing.