Spoken Word Poetry

Friday, 30 April 2021

Marianne Faithfull with Warren Ellis

All poems are copyright of the poet. Permission for this poet to post their work here has been granted by blog owner. All rights remain with the individual poet and their respective publisher.

Sunday, 25 April 2021

Appointment With an Epidemic

. . All poems are copyright of the poet. Permission for this poet to post their work here has been granted by blog owner. All rights remain with the individual poet and their respective publisher.


Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

The rat ran and she chased, the plague chased and she ran

kisses can serve as vectors for
disease and more
love is a rat
caught in a trap

kisses can spread disease, you know
the way things go
heavens above
the worst is love

bubonic plague can cause a scare
but can't compare
to betrayal
of hearts so frail

I fell too easily under the spell of his
long eyelashes and Bohemian rhapsody
his naughty rhymes raised in me the deepest desire
only to plummet me to the depths of despair

my specious attraction to his colorful way
made me act reckless and flit about like a fly
he prowled like a jaguar to my home each night
he was a rat who addicted me like powder

I clung onto his arm like a tattoo design
feared his desire would flicker like a dying flame
he would drift away from my hearth when spring blew in
he was a virus infecting my wounded soul

pressure to maintain impossible perfection
always drove me to hate my flawed self even more
he only saw women as collapsible dolls
why the hell did it take me so long to say no?

I suffered so long trying to make him love me
but he hadn't an inkling of love in his mind
better off with him gone to try and recover
the last tattered vestiges of my self-respect

I now see my mistakes made a lot of mistakes
did your dick fall out of your pants when you cheated?
gravity made you fall on me when you raped me?
oops, I was clumsy, I walked into a door

abusive men are worse than rats or viruses
I should no longer insult rats and viruses
by comparing them to my abusive partners
the way I was treated makes COVID look pretty


Day 23: Write an "Appointment" poem

Day 24: Write a question poem.

The question is, why did I allow myself to be abused by horrible men? 
This poem isn't about one specific man or relationship. It is about the string of abusive relationships that I was involved in over the years.

Write a poem using anapestic tetrameter.

we have two unstressed syllables followed by one stressed. da-da-DAM.
you can do it with rhymes or without. You can break up your 12 syllable lines, and add little flaws. It can be funny or stark, but listen to the hopscotch rhythm and after a while you’ll be hooked.

I honestly don't feel like I did very well with the meter aspect. I tried, but my brain started to twist around itself. I did adhere to the 12-syllable line rule, except for the three eight-syllable lines.

First Line Friday: The rat ran and he chased. 

I changed "he" to "she."











Specious- superficially plausible, but actually wrong



Write a "minute" poem.

The Minute Poem is rhyming verse form consisting of 12 lines of 60 syllables written in strict iambic meter. The poem is formatted into 3 stanzas of 8,4,4,4; 8,4,4,4; 8,4,4,4 syllables. The rhyme scheme is as follows: aabb, ccdd, eeff.

I incorporated the Minute Poem into the metered free-verse poem.

Day 23: 

write a poem that responds, in some way, to another. This could be as simple as using a line or image from another poem as a jumping-off point, or it could be a more formal poetic response to the argument or ideas raised in another poem. 

This poem is a response to the collective prompts.

Day 24:

Today’s (optional) prompt is a fun one. Find a factual article about an animal. A Wikipedia article or something from National Geographic would do nicely – just make sure it repeats the name of the animal a lot. Now, go back through the text and replace the name of the animal with something else – it could be something very abstract, like “sadness” or “my heart,” or something more concrete, like “the streetlight outside my window that won’t stop blinking.” You should wind up with some very funny and even touching combinations, which you can then rearrange and edit into a poem.

I sort of did this. The animal I used was a rat.


Use the sound "oop" somewhere in your work.




I used this prompt, but they prefer family-friendly posts and mine went in a sweary direction, so I'm not going to share this poem with them.

The Icky, Sticky, Nit-Picky Legalese If You Please (Or Don't Please)

Creative Commons License

This work is the intellectual property of Naughty Netherworld Press/Poetry of the Netherworld.

Reblogging is acceptable on platforms that allow it. Odysee’s reblog function is called repost, which makes things confusing since reposting is considered a no-no on most platforms. It’s fine to share the post using the repost function on Odysee. It is not okay to copy-paste the material into a new post.

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Friday, 23 April 2021

Imelda May 2

. . All poems are copyright of the poet. Permission for this poet to post their work here has been granted by blog owner. All rights remain with the individual poet and their respective publisher.

Sunday, 18 April 2021

Same Old Sob Story: Lone Prairie Version

. . All poems are copyright of the poet. Permission for this poet to post their work here has been granted by blog owner. All rights remain with the individual poet and their respective publisher.


I'm here to tell you a story
that you already know so well
six-time loser down on her luck
at least this afternoon
we'll be able to hit the food bank

pushed out of the city
because we couldn't afford to stay
the poor are not welcome
on the streets of concrete and asphalt
we didn't want to stay anyway

the moon on the prairie is pretty
the sky is big and on a summer day
the clouds look like ice cream floats
I like it better out here
but old habits and conditions die hard

I am still nowhere even close to having wealth
while I love my affordable crockery
that I purchased during those fleeting moments when I had the means
I wish that I could know security
one of the things that money can buy

I think I'll change the words of the song
to "make good with you"
or maybe "make good on what we do"
since I'm talking about family
specifically, my son

and having a successful life
here on the prairie
and nothing of romance
or any of that sort of nonsense
that I sure as hell don't need 

my own life is enough of a shambles
I don't need an overbearing father
or a spoiled little boy
in an overripe body
thinking that testosterone makes him the boss

I don't speak to much of anybody
I don't allow myself to think much on
things that are going to make me cry
but many days I feel as if my heart might pop
here inside my lonely bubble

I'm trying to get back into my routine
after a week of feeling attacked from many angles
I don't respond well to adversity
I guess the collection agency decided to leave me be
you can't get blood from a stone as they say

I'm still waiting on the delivery of my freezer


Day 15: Write a (Blank) Story poem.

Day 16:
Write a City poem.

Day 17: 
Write a Waiting poem.

Day 15: Write a poem about a habit you picked up from your parents.

Day 16: Write a Skeletonic verse.
I didn't do this.

Day 17: Write a poem about the moon.




The Icky, Sticky, Nit-Picky Legalese If You Please (Or Don't Please)

Creative Commons License

This work is the intellectual property of Naughty Netherworld Press/Poetry of the Netherworld.

Reblogging is acceptable on platforms that allow it. Odysee’s reblog function is called repost, which makes things confusing since reposting is considered a no-no on most platforms. It’s fine to share the post using the repost function on Odysee. It is not okay to copy-paste the material into a new post.

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Quoting portions of the post for educational or review purposes is acceptable if proper credit is given.

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Friday, 16 April 2021

Leonard Cohen on Moonlight

. . All poems are copyright of the poet. Permission for this poet to post their work here has been granted by blog owner. All rights remain with the individual poet and their respective publisher.

Sunday, 11 April 2021

Get Bent! (The Walker Strikes Back): A Choka

. . All poems are copyright of the poet. Permission for this poet to post their work here has been granted by blog owner. All rights remain with the individual poet and their respective publisher.

The Thing of Evil in front of the house where my son and I live.
I cannot imagine why the hell anyone would want to use this picture, but please credit me if you do.

Here's a Choka composed by my walker. To understand why my walker is miffed at me, you will want to read the preceding poem, composed by me.

I did not cause you
your physical compromise
you crabby old bag

don't you revile me
when other people talk down
about your body

your hostility
you're misdirecting at me
you can just get bent

your anxiety
their societal bias
these imprison you

you still revile me
you say I make you look bad
though I set you free

I didn't break you
although I cannot mend you
I will support you
if you will allow me to

~cie's walker~

Day 9: Write a persona (inanimate object) poem. The poem was written from my walker's POV.

Day 10: Write a Get (blank) poem. As you can see, the walker is telling me to get bent for writing an unkind poem about it.

Write a poem about the body or its parts. While the poem's approach is indirect, it references my frustrations at how broken my body is and about using an assistive device to get around.

Day 9: Write a to-do list poem.
I didn't do this.

Day 10: Write a junk drawer poem.
My body is kind of a junk drawer of mismatched, poorly working parts. I sometimes wonder if I'm not a Frankenstein monster that Young God cobbled together before he made man in his own image and perfected that experiment when he made woman. 

I eventually escaped from my cage and came down to terrorize Earth. God said, "meh, let her go, she'll come home eventually."

One might say, "but Cie, since you're a woman, aren't you part of that perfected class?"

The thing is, I've never felt like I was a woman. I'm not implying that I have gender dysphoria or that I'm some sort of third sex. I'm fully aware that I'm female, and I'm fine with being female except for the way females are treated, and, to be honest, my periods were pure hell and I could have done without that mess, but it is what it is. Hence why I'm a feminist and not the fun kind. 

What I mean is I never felt like I'm what a woman is supposed to be. I'm not small or pretty or delicate. I may, in fact, be fiercely and wonderfully made, but nobody on this planet is ever going to realize that. Honestly, I've never felt like I was even human because I've always been ridiculed and never found a place to belong.

Opposing forms



The Icky, Sticky, Nit-Picky Legalese If You Please (Or Don't Please)

Creative Commons License

This work is the intellectual property of Naughty Netherworld Press/Poetry of the Netherworld.

Reblogging is acceptable on platforms that allow it. Odysee’s reblog function is called repost, which makes things confusing since reposting is considered a no-no on most platforms. It’s fine to share the post using the repost function on Odysee. It is not okay to copy-paste the material into a new post.

Sharing a link to the post is acceptable.

Quoting portions of the post for educational or review purposes is acceptable if proper credit is given.

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Friday, 9 April 2021

Imelda May

All poems are copyright of the poet. Permission for this poet to post their work here has been granted by blog owner. All rights remain with the individual poet and their respective publisher.

Sunday, 4 April 2021

Trees of Tomorrow Tanka

. . All poems are copyright of the poet. Permission for this poet to post their work here has been granted by blog owner. All rights remain with the individual poet and their respective publisher.

Image by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay

could I be so bold

to see what the future holds

keep searching ahead

shall we plant a fence of trees

that will outlive you and me?


The tree pictured above is an American plum. My son and I want to plant trees that are low-maintenance, suitable for Colorado's nutrient-poor and often dry soil and will attract pollinators. As an added benefit, the fruit of these little beauties is edible, and I spent part of my disability back payment to buy a nice water bath canner. I would like to try my hand at making jams and other preserves.

If we take good care of our trees, they will beautify our little town and bring happiness to future generations. It is our goal to leave things better than we found them. We all need to take better care of our world if we want it to keep taking care of us.

The Prompts

April PAD Challenge

Day 2: Write a "what does the future hold" poem.


D'Verse Poets


Haiku My Heart


Mindlovemisery's Menagerie Music Challenge

Keep Searchin' (We'll Follow the Sun)


NaPoWriMo Day 2

Write a "road not taken" poem.


I...um...sort of followed the prompt. This poem is about a road that my son and I are looking down but haven't taken yet.

The Icky, Sticky, Nit-Picky Legalese If You Please (Or Don't Please)

Creative Commons License

This work is the intellectual property of Naughty Netherworld Press/Poetry of the Netherworld.

Reblogging is acceptable on platforms that allow it. Odysee’s reblog function is called repost, which makes things confusing since reposting is considered a no-no on most platforms. It’s fine to share the post using the repost function on Odysee. It is not okay to copy-paste the material into a new post.

Sharing a link to the post is acceptable.

Quoting portions of the post for educational or review purposes is acceptable if proper credit is given.

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If you're interested in looking into the Ball Electric Canner for your own canning adventures, you can follow this link. https://amzn.to/3cIdDjR
I do receive a small commission from Amazon for anything bought through this link, which goes to fund the care and upkeep of the ole Grover Hotel and its peculiar but mostly harmless residents.

Friday, 2 April 2021

"Invictus" - read by Tom Hiddleston

All poems are copyright of the poet. Permission for this poet to post their work here has been granted by blog owner. All rights remain with the individual poet and their respective publisher.