Spoken Word Poetry

Sunday, 11 April 2021

Get Bent! (The Walker Strikes Back): A Choka

. . All poems are copyright of the poet. Permission for this poet to post their work here has been granted by blog owner. All rights remain with the individual poet and their respective publisher.

The Thing of Evil in front of the house where my son and I live.
I cannot imagine why the hell anyone would want to use this picture, but please credit me if you do.

Here's a Choka composed by my walker. To understand why my walker is miffed at me, you will want to read the preceding poem, composed by me.

I did not cause you
your physical compromise
you crabby old bag

don't you revile me
when other people talk down
about your body

your hostility
you're misdirecting at me
you can just get bent

your anxiety
their societal bias
these imprison you

you still revile me
you say I make you look bad
though I set you free

I didn't break you
although I cannot mend you
I will support you
if you will allow me to

~cie's walker~

Day 9: Write a persona (inanimate object) poem. The poem was written from my walker's POV.

Day 10: Write a Get (blank) poem. As you can see, the walker is telling me to get bent for writing an unkind poem about it.

Write a poem about the body or its parts. While the poem's approach is indirect, it references my frustrations at how broken my body is and about using an assistive device to get around.

Day 9: Write a to-do list poem.
I didn't do this.

Day 10: Write a junk drawer poem.
My body is kind of a junk drawer of mismatched, poorly working parts. I sometimes wonder if I'm not a Frankenstein monster that Young God cobbled together before he made man in his own image and perfected that experiment when he made woman. 

I eventually escaped from my cage and came down to terrorize Earth. God said, "meh, let her go, she'll come home eventually."

One might say, "but Cie, since you're a woman, aren't you part of that perfected class?"

The thing is, I've never felt like I was a woman. I'm not implying that I have gender dysphoria or that I'm some sort of third sex. I'm fully aware that I'm female, and I'm fine with being female except for the way females are treated, and, to be honest, my periods were pure hell and I could have done without that mess, but it is what it is. Hence why I'm a feminist and not the fun kind. 

What I mean is I never felt like I'm what a woman is supposed to be. I'm not small or pretty or delicate. I may, in fact, be fiercely and wonderfully made, but nobody on this planet is ever going to realize that. Honestly, I've never felt like I was even human because I've always been ridiculed and never found a place to belong.

Opposing forms



The Icky, Sticky, Nit-Picky Legalese If You Please (Or Don't Please)

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