Spoken Word Poetry

Thursday, 8 January 2009

The Oxo Family

The OXO family 'lived' on my TV screen from when I was four (1958) until I was old enough to know better (1999). It was a soap opera advert that featured a wholesome family. Initially with Mary Holland as the Mum and then Linda Bellingham.

I pretty much hate modern day adverts as they are so samey and so contrived but these were enjoyable.

Here we have the 1950's version...

And here the 1980's to late '90's version...



Wastedpapiers said...

I was never really an OXO gravy person. I prefer Marmite in mine. I think there are some great adverts around these days expecially ones that Guinness put out or those Nick Park had a hand in . Some amazing animation too - I can't tell you what the product is but the the adverts are just stunning to look at.
I have fond memories of the Murraymints adverts and some others from the 50's but not many. The robots in the Cadburys Smash ad was funny. On the whole I think modern day ads. have more spent on them than the actual crumby programmes which says alot about the state of television today!

Russell CJ Duffy said...

You have given me food for thought here. I kind of dismiss modern adverts without really knowing, if I am being honest, what they are really like. I seldom watch much TV (not because I don't like it but due to long hours at work)and therefore don't see many adverts. I shouldn't have dismissed them so readily.
I think you are probably right about modern adverts. Certainly the amount of time and money spent on them. Many years ago I had to accompany a colleague to make a presentation at an agency. The agency was BBH - Bartle Boogle and Hegarty (honest!). They were, and might still be, one of the big boys and had, at the time, won the most creative agency for the umpteenth time. I was staggered when, during the course of our presentation, I was informed just how much big businesses spend on advertising. Millions? No, billions!
So, I concede to your point about Ad's being better and yes, I have seen the latest Guiness ad's and they are amazing. So is the one where the car does a Trasnformers type dance.
As for Marmite...I love Marmite and rarely have oxo BUT those adds were good from a nostalgic point of view.
Finally, your last point about the ad's compared to the programmes is the most relevant I think although, according to Michael Grade, we, the British public, are watching some of the best TV ever on a Saturday night when 'we' tune in to watch Strictly Come Dancing and then The X-Factor.
Not sure what I think about that statement!

Wastedpapiers said...

This is one of my favourite ads by Guinness from a year or so ago. Very simple but effective. I love the music too which I belive is by the Balkan Beatbox.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

Ha Ha, excellent. So simple but funny and unpretentious too. It is the sort of thing many of my chums on discharge attempt.