Spoken Word Poetry

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Still from "Westworld"

"He's doin' his best, Debbie!" 


Russell CJ Duffy said...

There is enough room up those skirts to allow a plethora of androids!

Wastedpapiers said...

Delighted to see some fresh paw prints on this blog Doctor. Welcome indeed!

Doctor FTSE said...

Hi Boys. It isn't generally known that Yul Brynner WAS and android, He wasn't ACTING in "WestWorld" He was bald for a very good reason. His power source was a 100 megapixel solar panel implanted under his scalp. "Head must not be higher than King" in case Miss Kerr's shadow caused irreversible power drain, bringing Westworld mayhem to Siam . . .