Spoken Word Poetry

Monday, 26 April 2010


Two female potatoes went to their Father with a request to marry the potato of their dreams. The Father potato asked the first potato who did she wish to marry. "Oh I intend to marry a King Edward" she replied. " Of course you can marry that potato" said the father. " A very good pedigree to join with".

He turned to the other daughter " Who do you wish to marry then my dear." " I have promised to marry Des Lynham " she answered. The father looked at her in horror.

You can't marry him my dear he is just a common tator.

...aNOtHEr dIp INtO ThE mAGpIE mEMOrY pOOoL.


Jinksy said...

The groans are coming fast and furiously at this end... I hope they subside soon, at they're setting my teeth on edge... LOL :)

Bernard said...

"I only have 'eyes' for you", Kath :D

Von said...

Well hope she had the Desiree instead and didn't get a dose of the Kiflers!

Kath said...

Hee hee....I know that was a shocker. You should write a few Uncle B, you obviously have the knack :D

Russell CJ Duffy said...

"Don't call Harry a human potato
Don't call Harry a spud
Don't call Harry a walking King Edward
Harry's made of flesh and blood

Don't call Harry a human potato
Don't fry Harry tonight
Don't give Harry a chip on his shoulder
Harry's doing alright

He's got his little garden and he's got his little shed
He's got his little mower on the grass
He's got his little garage and he's got his little car
And he wants a bit of Wembley up his Khyber Pass

Don't call Harry a human potato
Don't roast him on a spike
I think Harry's a real golden wonder
Let Harry be the Spud-U-Like
Don't call Harry a human potato
Don't call Harry a spud
Don't call Harry a walking King Edward
Harry's made of flesh and blood"

Very funny. I like these jokes of yours. They brighten up this site!

Kath said...

let's hope she doesn't start "chitting on him" Sorry Jinksy!