The image below is from the cover of a book published this time last year, 2011, by Shearsman Books. The publication is a volume of poetry written by David Caddy. The text below the cover artwork is from the publishers website...
David Caddy is a poet and critic from the Blackmore Vale in north Dorset. He was educated as a literary sociologist at the University of Essex. He founded and organised the East Street Poets, the UK's largest rural poetry group from 1985 to 2001. He directed the legendary Wessex Poetry Festival from 1995 to 2001, and later the Tears in the Fence festival from 2003 to 2005. He has edited the independent and eclectic literary magazine, Tears in the Fence, since 1984. He co-wrote a literary companion to London in 2006, has written and edited drama scripts and podcasts, and regularly contributes essays, articles and reviews to books and journals.
An angry young man, growing older but still furious with the way the English countryside is being used, abused and wantonly neglected. Take a walk down your local book shop, Waterstones no doubt, and browse then buy this excellent book.
yEt aNOtHEr sMArT aRSe IN ThE mAGpIE mEMOrY cOlLeCtiVe.