Spoken Word Poetry

Monday, 17 August 2020

Postal Poetry - Advance Warning!

Today as the postman wended his happy way toward my post box, just as my daughter was rising from her slumbers so the mailbox clattered as a mini missive fell within it. Retrieving the mail for her dad my daughter passed me a postcard. It was a surprise as it was unexpected but came from a very spontaneous source, that of artist Michael Leigh. Totally out of the blue but the more I thought of it rather timely. The postcard was the first in the proposed Postal Poetry that I spoke of recently. It contained sellotaped to the back a wee book of poetry. The front featured, as you all can see, 4 pics of Cakeland. Only Michael could have conceived of such a splendid postcard. Having started the process, I think it only fair that I continue it. To that end, I shall send my response to Charlotte but first I will need her address. I did have it but I am only a male and one fast heading toward forgetfulness. Please E-mail me. Should any others here want to play then please send me your addresses too along with your E-mail address and I'll send you all invites so you can join the blog, the team, the union, the empire of poetically minded misfits!
All poems are copyright of the poet. Permission for this poet to post their work here has been granted by blog owner. All rights remain with the individual poet and their respective publisher. or in this case their wives.

1 comment:

Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost said...

If I interpret things correctly (I being a female possessed of ADHD and probably rapidly heading towards forgetfulness although no-one can tell the difference in my case) I would enjoy exchanging postcards. I don't much trust the U.S. postal service what with Cheeto Stalin and Joyboy trying to destroy it and all, but I do live right across the street from a post office and would be happy to play. I'll probably have to reread the instructions several times just to be sure I have things right in my addled brain.

My snail mail address is:
PO Box 76
Grover, Colorado

You can email me your home address, and if nothing else, I can look for interesting postcards to send.