Spoken Word Poetry

Sunday, 2 August 2020

Ornery Poetry Sunday: Bully Is As Bully Does

Image by Andrew Martin from Pixabay

I don't know who needs to hear this today
But if you think bullying a bully
The way the bully bullies his victims
Using the same cruel words as he uses
You have just become a bully yourself

~Cie the Ornery Old Lady~

Ornery Owl
Free Use Image from Open Clipart Vectors on Pixabay

I am feeling quite heartbroken today, close to suicidal. I feel that my work is worthless as am I. But I will try to believe and will keep going just in case things can improve somehow.

I wish you all the best.

The Icky, Sticky, Nit-picky Legalese If You Please (or Don't Please)

Copyright 2020 by The Ornery Old Lady

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This work was published on 1 August 2020 on these platforms:

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. . All poems are copyright of the poet. Permission for this poet to post their work here has been granted by blog owner. All rights remain with the individual poet and their respective publisher.


Russell CJ Duffy said...

I won't say don't be heartbroken as you may have had your heartbroken and my words will not fix it. Don't get down or depressed.

Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost said...

That would be a difficult goal, as moderately depressed is my baseline state! I experience frequent suicide ideation, have for most of my life. The best I can generally hope for is to be feeling mean enough that I want to piss people off by continuing to live in spite of their wishes that I wouldn't.