Spoken Word Poetry

Thursday, 1 October 2020


As a blogsite "Something For The Weekend, Sir?" is not affiliated to The Poetry Society even though we present the societies logo on our site. "Something For The Weekend, Sir?" is associated only by admiration of a charitable organisation who promotes poetry. "Something For The Weekend, Sir?" exists not merely to promote performance, or spoken word, poetry but by definition all poetry even though our primary focus is the former. Having communicated with The Poetry Society who said to use with their permission all and any poets whose work features either on their website or YouTube or by any other form of recorded transmission, this "Something For The Weekend, Sir?" does. The Poetry Society is not the only organisation "Something For The Weekend, Sir?" supports. The Poetry Book Society is another as is The Forward Arts Foundation. At the foot of the blog is clearly visible all those sites we either support or recommend.

The following is from The Poetry Society's website regarding the recent National Poetry award.

National Poetry Competition winners announced

Congratulations to Roger Philip Dennis, who has won first prize with his poem ‘Corkscrew Hill Photo‘. Judged by Roddy Lumsden, Glyn Maxwell and Zoe Skoulding, the judges described it as a ‘stunning poem which mixes sweetness, sentiment, the visual and a touch of the grotesque’. Read more about it over on the National Poetry Competition page.

Congratulations, too, to Joanne Key, who won second prize with her poem ‘The Day the Deer Came’, and to Fran Lock, who won third prize for ‘Last exit to Luton’. You can watch film poems of the top three winning poems, commissioned in association with Alastair Cook and Filmpoem.

And, finally, congratulations to the eight commended poets:

Kevin Patrick McCarthy for ‘Enough Sky’
Beverley Nadin for ‘BEES’
Paul Nemser for ‘After the Calm’
Eliot North for ‘The Crab Man’
Mark Pajak for ‘Cat on the Tracks’
Jonathan Tel for ‘Ber Lin’
Jason Watts for ‘For a Liturgy’
Tom Weir for ‘Day Trippin

The Press Release about the winners is available online.

Great results all of which are highly recommended as are those of Love Reading 4 Kids Poetry Prize which only goes to show that poetry is for everyone but also Foyles Young Poet of the year award which this year goes to ...

The winning poet, awarded by the Judges is Celyn Gadd, age 8, of Oswald Road Primary School in Chorlton with his poem Plip Plop. Celyn also wins a visit to his school from National Poetry Day ambassador and award-winning poet Joshua Seigal, £250 of books for his school from National Book Tokens and an annual subscription to the gorgeous children’s magazine Scoop.

All poems are copyright of the poet. Permission for this poet to post their work here has been granted by blog owner. All rights remain with the individual poet and their respective publisher.

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