Image copyright J. Plenio from Pixabay
Sea is all I see
I am at sea as you see
See sea woe is me
If all you wanted was the poem, congrats, you're done. Now, wasn't that quick and mostly painless?
If, on the other hand, you enjoy being tortured informed, read the Numerous Notes below!
You know me. Or you may be one of the lucky ones.
I'm at it again, doing too much.
For October, I will be doing OctPoWriMo as I have during the past I don't remember how many years, but it's quite a few.
I am combining the OctPoWriMo prompts with the Haiku prompts from Carpe Diem Haiku where possible.
I will also be sharing one of my fantabulous poems every Sunday at Something for the Weekend Sir.
I'm sharing this poem this time even though it's not a very good poem, because I like wordplay.
I would also like to write the second novella in the Tales from the Dreamlands series, tentatively entitled "The Key of Eidolon," using the Spooky October Writing Prompts from the Writers Handbook blog, as I did in creating Ketil and Yitzy's Adventure in the Xura Dream House last year.
Here is the link to the Writers Handbook Blog.
If you would like to pick up a copy of Ketil and Yitzy's Adventure in the Xura Dream House, here are the links.
Buy the Kindle version of Ketil and Yitzy's Adventure in the Xura Dream House for $3.99
Buy the PDF version from LBRY for 75 LBC (approximately $2.25)
LBRY is a decentralized content marketplace. I price the PDF versions of my work at approximately half of the Kindle price because I receive the entire amount rather than a royalty percentage.
You can get a free LBRY account through this link. You can earn LBC for viewing content on LBRY as well as from selling your content.
I will probably do a Halloween promo with this book and make it free from Kindle for 5 days as well as making it free on LBRY with a wheedling plea gentle suggestion to Tiphowyalike, in other words, leave me some LBC because I'm a broke-ass hack you love me.
Oh jeesh. I forgot what I was doing in mid-thought. That never happened before.
Nah, it totally happens all the time. In my case, it's a sign of ADHD rather than a sign of dementia. Lucky, I guess.
I am also going to continue using the Reedsy prompts to write The Ballad of Gerry Clifford. I had originally intended to publish this book over the summer, but then it exploded and there were story parts everywhere. I am completely reworking it and am hoping to have it published in early 2021. Or mid-2021. Or something. Whenever. Hopefully, I don't up and croak before that or anything.
My Reedsy profile I'm hungry.
I will also be doing a piece for the WEP prompt for October.
I have a metric butt-ton of book promos that you can read for yourself on my remodeled and most excellent book review blog, Readers Roost.
I will continue with the MFRW Book Hooks and Weekend Writing Warriors posts at the official Naughty Netherworld Press blog, along with other fine features such as WIP Wednesday and the Monday Peeve.
I don't know if it's worth it to continue with the BitPatron, Ko-Fi, and Patreon subscription platforms. It's more time spent, and they have never attracted an audience. Nothing's more pathetic than a Patreon with no patrons.
I will definitely be continuing my Naughty Netherworld Press and Poetry of the Netherworld channels on LBRY.
LBRY is a decentralized content marketplace. I price the PDF versions of my work at approximately half of the Kindle price because I receive the entire amount rather than a royalty percentage.
You can get a free LBRY account through this link. You can earn LBC for viewing content on LBRY as well as from selling your content.
And now, the part that you've been waiting for!
Copyright Information
The Icky, Sticky, Nit-Picky Legalese If You Please (Or Don't Please)
Copyright 2020 by Naughty Netherworld Press
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Wanna Promote Your Book?
LOL. Who said poetry can't be funny? Excellent.
Thank you. It may never win any prizes, but I liked it.
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