The bandage over David Bowie's eyes in the videos made shortly before his death symbolizes the fact that he does not know what comes next.
the question unasked
the answer, I admit, yes
I fear what comes next
who I am all comes apart
not that I was together
notes if you need 'em
I'm a devout agnostic. I've seen some shit that leads me to believe that the personality continues to exist following the death of the body, but I can't say it with 100% certainty. It's not the kind of experiment you can recreate in a lab.
I'm not religious. Religion is a human construct, and much of the time I feel that it is harmful. I believe that there are probably higher powers. I am not about to worship any of them that are so egotistical as to demand worship.
It would be easier if I could faithfully believe in a higher power that would take me to heaven when my soul passed from my body, but I simply cannot.
I suppose the statement that I fear death is incorrect. I don't actually fear death. What I fear is oblivion. That is the uncensored truth.
Another truth is the fact that I adore David Bowie. Not in a romantic sense. I respect him too much for that sort of nonsense. I love him as an artist and a wonderful human being who changed the world for the better. I think he was an angel, perhaps literally.
The Icky, Sticky, Nit-Picky Legalese If You Please (Or Don't Please)
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1 comment:
I don't fear death. It is perfectly natural. A part of life. Anyway, with what we know about death, the unassailable, data provided, very provable, empirical truth is when this body we inhabit dies, the consciousness with it, what we are made of, all life that is, returns to where it came from. S.P.O.N.C.H. Short for Sodium, Potassium, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon and Hydrogen. The six vital elements for all life on this planet. There are 25 less important elements out of 92. When we depart so those elements return to the planet or as gas to the universe. Sort of an abstract reincarnation. Not that I believe in reincarnation. As for Bowie...when The Beatles split I was left bereft of, as a very young man, a replacement. The Fabs had accents not dissimilar to your own. They said daance rather than daRcne which is how I pronounce it. Really couldn't care now but then it was nice to hear someone who spoke and sang like me. Also, that final album was brilliant. Love it.
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