Spoken Word Poetry

Monday, 24 November 2008

A Victorian smoking hat

Here we have a lovely Victorian smoking hat. Not that I am a smoker, nothing against people who do but not for me thank you very much.
However, all of that to one side, I can visualise my self wearing one of these magnificent hats, along with a smoking jacket and settling down, not to smoke but to read. Yes, I can see me now in my velvet jacket, hat and a pair of niffty carpet slippers (never wear those either) sitting down with a good book while my family do the things that they do.


1 comment:

Wastedpapiers said...

Look at the work thats gone into that stitchery. Lovely. I'd look a bit silly wearing it though I think. I feel bad enough in my slippers.
Spike Milligan used to wear one in the Beachcomber shows on BBC2.