A Park Ranger was warning a group of tourists to Beware of the Bears in the Park.
"There are three types of bear hereabouts. The brown bear. The black bear. And the grizzly. You will not come across them very often. They are all quite secretive, and if you leave them alone, they will leave you alone. If you meet one, remember, they can outrun you. Stand still. Make yourself look as big as possible. Do not . . repeat DO NOT . . make eye contact. The bear will usually turn away. To be on the safe side, however, buy a pepper spray, availablle at the kiosk. Four dollars fifty. A good faceful of pepper sees them off"
One tourist asked "How can we tell if there are bears about?"
"Look out for their dropping on the trails." the Ranger replied. "The brown bear's dropping are very like horse droppings. The black bear's dropping are looser, and quite black, like he is. HaHa! The grizzly is different. He's a carnivore. So his dropping may contain fragments of bone. And smell strongly of pepper!"
Not too sure I'd want to get my nose close enough to discover this...
Thanks for the tip! :D
Wow! You guys have been busy of late whilst I have been spending time indoors having a week's vacation.
I thought I saw one of those hairy beasts in my bathroom the other day but I was just my son feeling a bit grumpy.
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