Spoken Word Poetry

Friday, 30 December 2016

Poetry Book of the Year

When I last wrote here it was to say that this site was closing for business in the light of what appeared apathetic disinterest. Perhaps that was disingenuous of me. I'd like to think I got it wrong and that there are poets out there who believe in reading their work aloud. I hope so. I sincerely would like to see this site brought alive again with an influx of spoken word poetry.

When I last wrote here it was December 2015. I apologised that I had not written or rather posted, as I had in previous years, 'Something For The Weekend, Sir's' Poetry Book of the Year. Well, this year I have.

"Falling Awake" by Alice Oswald 

. . All poems are copyright of the poet. Permission for this poet to post his/her work here has been granted by blog owner. All rights remain with the individual poet and their respective publisher.


Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost said...

For you, maybe I'll try reading some of my poetry aloud and posting it here. I would have to figure out how to use the damn microphone on my computer, although I've never done so. I will tell you this--once I've recorded it, I will never listen to it again. I abhor the sound of my voice.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

LOL. I don't think many of us actually like the sound of our own voice. Please don't worry if you feel uncomfortable.